ヴィトラデザインミュージアムの書籍です。解説、写真、映像が収められたUSBが収録されています。2019年 英語/ドイツ語背に破れと折れがあります。以下amazon.co.jp 商品説明よりhttps://www.amazon.co.jp/Chair-Times-History-Rolf-Fehlbaum/dp/3945852285CHAIR TIMES takes viewers on a journey through a »sea of chairs:« 124 objects dating from 1807 to the latest 3D printed designs are arranged in the order of their production year to create a timeline of modern furniture design. Which objects would professionals in the design field want to talk about, bringing their expert knowledge to the respective topic? Serving as guide on this excursion into the history of seating design: Rolf Fehlbaum, Chairman Emeritus of Vitra.